Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Different job of man and woman

The chracteristic of the Japanse men are  self-respecting , strong man and  work hard. A way thinking is theoretical.Almost of  all Japanese men are office worker mainly. For example, it's a pilot , driver and engineer.On the oter hand, the charactaristic of Japanese women are skillful and taking care of kids.For examle, it's CA , chidcare person , nurse and designer. In adddition, common work is teacher and beautician. Even if women worked by the same work at the same time, women are employed at alower salary than men.This thing becomes one of the ploblem in Japan. I think that every company should treat equally.



  1. i think so too. women can support to someone!! i never seen men's CA. i wonder if there is men's CA in the world.

    1. I saw men's CA in Canada.
      It's so rarely for Japanese people.

  2. There is a new government in Alberta, and one of the issues they're talking about is salary equality between men and women. There shouldn't be any discrimination in what women are paid.

    (I'm not sure what CA means. Could you describe or define it?)

    Almost all Japanese men are office workers.

    1. yeah.I think so,too!.
      CA is flight attendant!!
