Sunday 28 June 2015

Times have changed

  • The married life of the present person is different from an old person in Japan.
    I thought led by a child in old days. It was the times when it was impossible to be divorced.Each mother did only the taking care of the child by all means, and theydidn't work.Besides, it was a taboo to talk about the work in a house.
  • The divorce was said to be shame of my home. 
  • In other hands,most mother goes for work now in comparison with it at the working center. It may be said that it is given priority to work as for the present times. In addition, there is the person who works from a high school student to earn pocket money. In addition, divorced people increase, and the people who do not marry increase.This is one of the worst problem.
    Ways of thinking are greatly different now in old days in this way.クリックすると新しいウィンドウで開きます


  1. I think it's the same in most countries around the world. Most women have to work outside of the home in order to make enough money to raise a family.

    Besides, it was a taboo to talk about work at home.

    This is one of the worst problems.

  2. It is said that love has expiration date.
