Tuesday, 7 July 2015

the three cups of tea impression

  • I read this book and was made me hink in various ways. I learned life and feelings.
    I think that Greg is a really great person. He is brave, and he is stouthearted and can act immediately. As an example, he tried to climb Pakistani k2 for a late younger sister. However, he was not able to climb it.
    And he had only hardened people even though, I was going to only make a school for a poor child, but he was strong. And I think that his acting power is splendid.
    In addition, the word is changed oneself if environment and society did not change sympathized. In addition, I felt it to be very deep when I knew the meaning of the title of this book. I might advance to the direction where oneself was good for after I read this book.
    Of course,Italked as well as contents together and I could know the word not to know and was studied and was good.
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